STARFISH is a simulator. It models the influence of the major variables in the production and processing of circular knitted cotton fabrics and calculates their effect on the final properties of the finished fabric. Using STARFISH, the most appropriate combination of yarn count, stitch length and knitting machine necessary to deliver the desired combination of properties in the finished fabric can be discovered very rapidly, without expending valuable production time and materials. The STARFISH software has been developed from the results of a 24 year research and development project during which more than 5,000 different knitted fabric qualities have been commercially produced in mills throughout the world.
The name STARFISH is contracted from the phrase "START as you mean to FINISH". It embodies the principle that, in order to know how to produce a knitted fabric with the desired dimensions and performance, it is first necessary to have an accurate knowledge of the final finished product. In other words, it must be possible to predict what will be the dimensions and performance (weight, width, shrinkage) of any proposed fabric quality after dyeing and finishing, even though that particular quality has never been made before.
STARFISH is the only knitted fabric engineering system that automatically takes into account the fundamental influence of both the fabric production and the wet processing and finishing operations on the properties of the finished fabric. This means that knitters, finishers, garment makers and retailers can use it with confidence to develop the appropriate knitting and finishing production specifications that will enable the required product performance specifications to be achieved.