Sedo treepoint is a world-renowned manufacturer of Textile dyeing process machine controllers.

Unique PLC with built-in HMI.  Modern dyehouses need to emphasize on efficient control of the dyeing process to avoid wastage on re-dyeing Sedomat controllers provide all possibilities.

For the best temperature /Time and Dosing profiles. Its program with the facility of Parallel function gives very intelligent control of the dyeing process and improves dyeing efficiency.


Sedomat controllers improve your RFT (right First Time) dyeing your dyeing process is repeatable will less variation in color.  The temperature profile is followed within 2-3 degrees Celsius. For batch Tracking, RFID sensors are enabled.


seamless. Integration with ERP or other Dyehouses Management systems like Sedo Master is possible. Link to the Recipe management system and third-party dispenser is also possible.

Sedomat 1800 series and Sedomat 2600 is the cost-effective controller with 48 I/Os for small machines with limited controls.

Sedomat 550 and Sedomat 2800 are for a big machine like Stenters and heavy Jets with bigger LCDs (12”)

A new touch Screen series of Sedomat 8000 is a revolutionary product Textile process control. Sedomat 8000 comes with expandable I/Os.  Modular I/Os of 8 can be expandable to any number depending on the requirement.

The Sedomat 5800 is the optimal choice for demanding continuous machine automation. The powerful touch screen operation concept allows even complex processes to be controlled easily. Total machine view or detailed view on machine sections and devices offers comfortable machine operation. An external PLC is not required because the Sedomat 5800 is equipped with an integrated high-performance soft-PLC. External devices can be connected using internal I/O’s and external I/O’s, connected via Profibus. The Ethernet interface enables an integration into the standard TCP/IP network. The Sedomat 5800 can be used as a flexible data acquisition terminal expanded by a barcode or mobile wireless laser scanner. The collected data can be used for management reports in SedoMaster or within the ERP solution.